Updating Results

Nous Group

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

LGBTQ+ at Nous Group

Nous' employee network for LGBTIQ+ Nousers and allies, works to ensure Nous is an inclusive workplace where all are comfortable expressing diversity.

Nous Proud brings together LGBTIQ+ Nousers and allies, building on Nous’ existing efforts to make Nous an inclusive workplace where all employees are comfortable to express their diversity.

Tim Orton, Managing Principal and CEO of Nous Group, said: “At Nous we are committed to fostering an environment where people can bring their whole selves to work. We know people are happier, healthier and more productive when they can share their lives with their colleagues. That is why I am pleased to announce the launch of Nous Proud.”

“Nous recruits people who show genuine care and respect for all people, which naturally makes it a great place to work for LGBTIQ people,” said Emily Scott, a Nous consultant in the Sydney office and co-founder of Nous Proud. “Nous Proud will foster greater opportunities to connect with LGBTIQ role models and peers across offices and provide a vehicle for us to play a more active role in improving the experiences of all LGBTIQ people.”

Emily is also CEO of Out for Australia, a volunteer organisation that seeks to support and mentor aspiring LGBTIQ+ professionals.

Nous Proud has four major purposes:

  1. Provide direct support for LGBTIQ+ Nousers 
  2. Promote LGBTIQ+ inclusive behaviours at Nous 
  3. Create more inclusive societies through our bold and engaging work 
  4. Support Nous externally as an LGBTIQ+ inclusive employer of choice 

All staff members at Nous have been invited to become part of the Nous Proud network if they wish to play an active part in LGBTIQ+ inclusivity, including as allies. Nous staff have also been supported to follow the network’s lead and convene an affinity group with colleagues who would likewise benefit.