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La Trobe University

  • 24% international / 76% domestic

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts

  • Bachelor

The corporate landscape is rapidly evolving.

Key details

Degree Type
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Intake Months
Feb, Jul
Domestic Fees
$11,968 per year / $47,872 total
International Fees
$11,968 per year / $47,872 total

About this course

The corporate landscape is rapidly evolving. To solve today's business challenges, we need professionals with not only economic and financial expertise, but also the ability to think critically, analytically and creatively.*

La Trobe's Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts gives you a comprehensive business education combined with the valuable skillset of an arts degree. Gain the technical expertise to thrive in finance, accounting and economics, while developing essential human skills such as communication and critical thinking.

Tailor your degree to your interests by choosing from more than 30 study areas, including business analytics, finance, psychology, politics, history, sociology, marketing and languages. You can also explore your passions through a diverse range of humanities electives, in fields such as archaeology, mythology, visual art, film and creative writing.

Through core commerce subjects, you'll learn how to solve complex social, sustainability and business challenges faced by corporations and diverse communities. You'll also enhance your ability to analyse problems, identify solutions and negotiate with stakeholders to turn your ideas into action.

Develop the technical prowess to meet the challenges of a field disrupted by automation and the power of big data. Harness the power of the latest digital business tools and industry standard software and processes. You'll also use analytics programs to review, manipulate and visualise data, and identify opportunities and risks. Build your problem-solving and creative-thinking skills to successfully tackle business challenges and implement solutions.

Gain real-world experience in both arts and business fields through work-based learning opportunities, including internships, international exchanges and study tours*. La Trobe's Bachelor of Commerce is designed with industry leaders like Deloitte, PwC and Ernst & Young to ensure you gain the business knowledge and enterprise skills required in today's business landscape.

Graduate ready to lead global organisations into the future.

You'll learn

  • Critical and creative thinking
    • Delve into complex problems. Learn how to see new possibilities and turn them into reality.
  • Communication
    • Learn how to connect, communicate and collaborate with the public and future colleagues.
  • Management
    • Build fundamental business knowledge and explore concepts and issues relating to the management of firms and global business environments.
  • Finance
    • Prepare to manage investment and funding strategies. Construct investment portfolios that meet your investors' goals and risk profiles.
  • Marketing
    • Help businesses get a competitive edge. Gain the skills, learn how to research, analyse, develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies.

* (Please note: overseas programs may be impacted by travel restrictions.)

The qualification awarded on graduation is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) as Level 7 - Bachelor Degree.

Sample course structure

Please note, the following course structure is indicative and subject to change depending on your course location, offer year or how you tailor your course with specialisations, majors, minors and electives. Structures for the following year are not normally finalised until October, so the sample provided is based on the most recently approved structure. For more information, please refer to the La Trobe University Handbook.

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts, students must complete a total of 480 credit points across 4 years.

Year 1 requires the completion of 120 credit points including:

  • 60 credit points from chosen Core
  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Commerce
  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Arts

Year 2 requires the completion of 120 credit points including:

  • 30 credit points from chosen Core
  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Commerce
  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Arts
  • 30 credit points from chosen Electives or major or minor

Year 3 requires the completion of 120 credit points including:

  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Commerce
  • 45 credit points from chosen Major - Arts
  • 30 credit points from chosen Electives or major or minor
  • 15 credit points from chosen Electives or major

Year 4 requires the completion of 120 credit points including:

  • 15 credit points from chosen Core
  • 15 credit points from chosen Core choice
  • 30 credit points from chosen Major - Commerce
  • 15 credit points from chosen Major - Arts
  • 45 credit points from chosen Electives or major
Study options

Core subjects are required subjects in your course. You need to complete these subjects to attain your degree.


A major is a sequence of related subjects studied in your course. To attain a major, this sequence must add up to 120 credit points. In some courses, you need to complete at least one major from your course's discipline to attain your degree. If there is room in your degree for more than one major, you may wish to complete an open access major from another discipline area.

Course majors Major code Aboriginal studies StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-ABS-3 Accounting MAJOR-ACC-1 Anthropology StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-ANT-2 Archaeological and heritage studies StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MJR-AHS01 Asian studies MAJOR-AST-2 Business analytics MJR-BUA01 Chinese studies advanced MJR-CHIA01 Chinese studies beginners MJR-CHIB01 Chinese studies extension MJR-CHIE01 Chinese studies intermediate MJR-CHII01 Classics and ancient history StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-CAH Creative and professional writing StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-CPW-2 Crime, justice and legal studies StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-CJLS-2 Digital media StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MJR-DGM01 Economics MAJOR-ECO-2 English StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-ENG-2 Environmental humanities StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-ENVH Ethics and social justice MJR-ESJ01 Finance MJR-FIN01 French studies advanced MJR-FREA01 French studies beginners MJR-FREB01 French studies intermediate MJR-FREI01 Gender, sexuality and diversity studies MAJOR-GSD-3 Greek studies advanced MJR-GRKA01 Greek studies beginners MJR-GRKB01 Greek studies extension MJR-GRKE01 Greek studies intermediate MJR-GRKI01 Hindi studies beginners MJR-HNDB01 History StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-HIS-2 Human geography StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-HGEG-1 International studies MAJOR-INS-2 Italian studies advanced MJR-ITAA01 Italian studies beginners MJR-ITAB01 Italian studies extension MJR-ITAE01 Italian studies intermediate MJR-ITAI01 Japanese studies advanced MJR-JPNA01 Japanese studies beginners MJR-JPNB01 Japanese studies intermediate MJR-JPNI01 Linguistics StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-LIN-2 Management StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-MGT-1 Marketing StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-MKT-1 Philosophy StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-PHI-3 Politics StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-POL-2 Psychological science StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MJR-PSY01 Sociology StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-SOC-2 Spanish studies advanced MJR-SPAA01 Spanish studies beginners MJR-SPAB01 Spanish studies extension MJR-SPAE01 Spanish studies intermediate MJR-SPAI01 Sustainability and development StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-SAD-3 Visual cultures StudyFlex major
A StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online.
MAJOR-VCUL Open access majors View our open access majors

A minor is an optional sequence of related subjects studied in your course. To attain a minor, this sequence must add up to 60 credit points. A minor can be undertaken in a similar or different interest area in your course or major\'s discipline and, in some cases, taken from a different discipline. Up to two minors can be chosen in place of an optional second major or standalone elective subjects.

Course minors Minor code Aboriginal studies StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-ABS-1 Anthropology StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-ANT-2 Archaeological and heritage studies StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MNR-AHS01 Asian studies MINOR-AST-1 Auslan MNR-DFS01 Chinese studies advanced MNR-CHIA01 Chinese studies beginners MNR-CHIB01 Chinese studies extension MNR-CHIE01 Chinese studies intermediate MNR-CHII01 Classics and ancient history StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-CAH-1 Cognitive and developmental psychology MNR-PSY01 Creative and professional writing StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-CPW-1 Crime, justice and legal studies StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MNR-CJL02 Digital media StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MNR-DGM01 English StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-ENG-1 Environmental humanities StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-ENVH Ethics and social justice MNR-ESJ01 French studies advanced MNR-FREA01 French studies beginners MNR-FREB01 French studies extension MNR-FREE01 French studies intermediate MNR-FREI01 Gender, sexuality and diversity studies MINOR-GSD-1 Greek studies advanced MNR-GRKA01 Greek studies beginners MNR-GRKB01 Greek studies extension MNR-GRKE01 Greek studies intermediate MNR-GRKI01 Hindi MINOR-HINDI History StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-HIS-1 Human geography MINOR-HGEG60 International studies MINOR-INS-1 Italian studies advanced MNR-ITAA01 Italian studies beginners MNR-ITAB01 Italian studies extension MNR-ITAE01 Italian studies intermediate MNR-ITAI01 Japanese studies advanced MNR-JPNA01 Japanese studies beginners MNR-JPNB01 Japanese studies intermediate MNR-JPNI01 Linguistics StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-LIN-1 Politics StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-POL-1 Psychological science StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MNR-PSY02 Sociology StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-SOC-1 Spanish studies advanced MNR-SPAA01 Spanish studies beginners MNR-SPAB01 Spanish studies extension MNR-SPAE01 Spanish studies intermediate MNR-SPAI01 Sustainability and development StudyFlex minorA StudyFlex major, minor or specialisation is a specified subject sequence in your course that offers at least half of its subjects on campus or online. MINOR-SAD-1 Visual cultures MINOR-VCUL Open access minors View our open access minors

A range of standalone elective subjects is available in this course. Some electives are recommended for your course, but you may also be able to choose from a range of University-wide electives or electives from other interest areas or disciplines. Note these electives may have their own prerequisites and other requirements. Please refer to the La Trobe University Handbook for the subjects available.

Core choice subjects are one or more subject groups you need to select in your course. Core choice subjects may be specific to your course, major, minor, specialisation or other learning requirements.

See La Trobe University Handbook for more details

The Handbook contains detailed course information designed for enrolled students, including course structures, electives and options. The delivery of this course can vary between campuses.

To view other campus handbook course details, please select relevant campus in the drop down.

Study locations


Career pathways

After graduation, your combined commerce and arts degree gives you the skills to work across a range of sectors including government, corporate, finance, retail and not-for-profit. Depending on your major, your opportunities could include:

  • Project manager
    • Lead projects in any industry and connect teams and stakeholders to deliver results on time and on budget.
  • Business analyst
    • Help organisations to identify their strengths and weaknesses, then develop data-driven solutions.
  • Community development manager
    • Design and deliver projects and programs to improve the quality of life for communities and disadvantaged populations.
  • Communications adviser
    • Take a lead role in crafting an organisation's messaging, developing media strategies, and supporting senior staff in promoting the organisation's public image.
  • Financial adviser
    • Advise organisations and individuals on how they can manage their money and create value ethically, securely and profitably.
  • Economist
    • Take complex data, analyse it to find key trends and insights, then give advice on economic and social policy.

Professional recognition

The Marketing major in the Bachelor of Commerce is accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI). With the completion of the Accounting major students are eligible to graduate with an accounting qualification accredited by CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ); refer to the professional body for further details. To qualify may require ongoing training and/or courses. Contact the relevant professional body for details.

Professional membership may require an application to the professional body and may have additional or ongoing requirements beyond the completion of the degree. Contact the relevant professional body for details.

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Business & Management courses at La Trobe University.
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary