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Empower Healthcare


Empower Allied Health Graduate Innovation Project

At Empower we don’t just talk the talk on innovation, we walk the walk. Our New Graduate Program incorporates an Innovation Project, where teams work on project briefs submitted by the business and then work through the design thinking process to generate innovative solutions to the brief.

Our Empower Mission is 'to change lives with innovative health services'. 

At Empower we don’t just talk the talk on innovation, we walk the walk. Towards the end of our New Graduate Program, our Grads participate in a session on design thinking and then team up to work on project briefs and work through the design thinking process to generate an innovative solution to the brief. 

It is a great way to develop skills in teamwork, engaging with different audiences, thinking outside the box, prototyping and gaining feedback. It embeds a culture of continuous reflection and improvement on what we do and how we can do it better.